Clock & Compass:
Last Sunday my Father was at home, and I was in my study table going through my daily morning ritual of studying my school books, since the school is at vacation, I have kept my study table clean which otherwise usually always remain cluttered with books and notes lying over here and there. My father came close to me and looked at the new Clock hanging above the table, and said ,,,beautiful Clock….I smiled and said …my choice. He stood near me looked around the table, on the wall where posters of Hanna Montana, my school routine, Goal Sheet, and many things was sticked,,,,,,but he said one important thing is missing “Dudu”(my pet name). I usually listen to my father more than asking becoz once he said it is God’s natural law that God has given you two ears and one mouth i.e. listen twice as much as you speak. I looked up around and said, Papa I think everything important is there. He smiled and said you have the Clock, but you do not have the Compass,,,,I said it is in the pencil box,,,he burst into laughter and said Compass is not that.
He explained that most of us are afraid to be ourselves, so we usually give up our own dreams to follow the Crowd,,,,we see so many genius people on this earth but it is not the sole domain of a rare group or a certain breed of person, we all of us are capable to be genius if we so choose to be one. The important thing is identifying our talent,,,,,,same message is conveyed by the movie “Three Idiot” also, if we focus on any area or skill with relentless devotion with daily improvement and a passion for excellence you will definitely reach the pinnacle of success.
Now coming to Clock and Compass,,,,he said that in humans struggle to live on this earth and put things in order there is two powerful tools that direct us…..The Clock & Compass. The clock represents our commitments, appointments, schedules, Goals (which I have mentioned in my earlier postings), activities, ,,,,,,,what we do with and how we manage our time. The Compass represents our vision, values, principles, mission, conscience, direction,,,,,what we feel is important and how we lead our life.
He said that since you do not have the Compass you will feel a sense of Gap between the Clock and the Compass,,,and since we truly do not understand the gap between the clock and the compass in our lives, we turn for “time management” by looking at the Clock,,,,,heee, hee Study time, Swimming Time, Facebook Time, etc etc,,,,
1.Vision-It is nothing but seeing with our mind’s eye what is possible within us, to execute a project, cause and in any enterprise. Vision results when our mind joins need with possibility.
2. Values-Values are social norms-they are personal, emotional, subjective and arguable. All of us have values, even criminals, terrorist have values. The questions we must ask is are our values based on principles?
3. Principal-It is universal natural law- transcends culture, and are embodied in all major religions and enduring philosophies, second, they are timeless-they never change, and third, they are self evident.
4. Mission-A mission statement answers the question, "Why do we exist?"Change is Constant……Creating a mission statement is not something you do overnight. It takes deep introspection, careful analysis, thoughtful expression, and often many rewrites to produce it in final form. It may take you several weeks or even months before you feel really comfortable with your mission statement, before you feel it is complete and concise expression of your innermost values and directions. Even then, you will want to review it regularly and make minor changes as the years bring additional insights or changing circumstances.
5. Conscience-Listening to our inner self, it is the inward moral sense of what is right and what is wrong, the urge to drive towards meaning and contribution. It is the guiding force to Vision, discipline and passion,
So Papa said, to be successful in life you need a “Compass” which is very important and above all it is never too late to become the person you have always dreamed of being,,,so lay claim to your natural genius and to your greatness, and drive a stake to mark your place under the sun, stop being a prisoner of your past and become the architect of your future…..but always be bold to say “NO” if your conscience say so, because every time you say YES to something that is unimportant, you say “NO” to something that is important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so Clock without Compass is worthless……..something like you know the time but do not know where to go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
*Reference from Dr Steven Coveys “First Thing First”
*Robin Sharma: The Monk who Sold his Ferrari
* My Father