According to my father Tigers play an important role in maintaining and balancing the eco-system, despite tiger being carnivorous it also depends on grass as tigers main source of food is the Herbivores like Axis deer or chital and sambhar that form the prey basis of tigers, feed upon these grasses that are further preyed upon by tigers. So, it is apparent and amazing, although not directly tigers are indirectly dependent on grasses. In nature each organism is dependent upon other organism. We all know about food chains. Billions of these food chains exist in nature and their each level is called trophic level. Plants such as grasses form the basis of most of food chains on land as they have ability to carry out photosynthesis. Sometimes some things might look ridiculous but if we look deep into it we can see the reality, for example Tigers help in bringing rain and global warming. The simple reason is that tigers protect forests by keeping the number of herbivores in check. Without tigers these herbivores will eat up all the forests. In general forests help in cloud formation by contributing lots of water vapour in the atmosphere that they release during the process of evapo-transpiration. Thus, the same concept is proved that in nature everything is interconnected and it also helps in global warming by creating nature and checking the misadventure of human beings in unauthorized cutting down of trees and forest encroachment to the best possible extent in fear of tiger attack on humans and tiger reserves extended by the Government.
The interdependency of living forms in a food chain is obvious as the wild tiger is dependant upon herbivores for its survival where he maintains there population which in turn prevents the grasslands from being overgrazed.
The herbivores depend upon the producers as grasses, herbs, shrubs, algae, fungi and large trees for survival and they in turn maintain a balance in vegetation by controlling the extent of vegetation or flora.
Birds survive on herbs, shrubs and trees on fruits and nectar and in turn act as seed dispersal agent for them to spread the population of the floral elements in an ecosystem.
Now it is high time that we must shift our conservation thinking from viewing top carnivores as an isolated part of ecosystem management to viewing the maintenance of viable populations of top carnivores as essential components of an integrated system of sustainable ecosystem management. The critically endangered top carnivores are indicators of ecosystems in decline. As we set our conservation sights on recovery, top carnivores can be the stars in our ongoing efforts that restore and maintain biodiversity. But the star-power of top carnivores, their flagship and umbrella role, is more than symbolic. Without top carnivores our efforts to stem the loss of biodiversity will not prevail.
Thus all life forms including tiger are interlinked with each other in an ecosystem, and their survival depends upon how intact the ecosystem is and thus we can save our planet from the Global warming by turning to nature and using products of nature sensibly, saving energy and reducing the emission of toxic elements from the air
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